Our Strategy

At Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT), our vision is Outstanding Care for One and All.

Our Trust Strategy 2022-2032 describes our ambitions to provide Outstanding Care for One and All, across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. We know we have a journey of improvement head of us to achieve this. We want to transform and modernise, refocussing our efforts on ensuring we have a person-centred approach to everything we do and delivering the right services, in the right place, with the right people, to ultimately ensure we are one of the safest hospitals to receive care.

To do this, we will focus upon three key strategic goals:

  1. Supported and Valued People: We will become a great University Hospital, known for its excellence in supporting staff in wellbeing, training and development pathways.
  2. Safe, High Quality Care: We will provide safe, high quality care, refining our model of care to be person-centred and as close to home as possible.
  3. Journey of Improvement: We will embed a culture of learning, leadership and improvement across the Trust, focused on core business, and grow our reputation for research.

We also know we need to continue our ambitious digital transformation, make the best use of our estate, work in partnership with colleagues across the local health and care system, and ensure that we embed a person-centred approach to everything we do.

Read our Trust Strategy below.